Document 1997 DOCN M94A1997 TI People living with HIV/AIDS. DT 9412 AU Taiti J; Kenya AIDS Society. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):403 (abstract no. PD0218). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370578 AB OBJECTIVE: Kenya AIDS Society (KAS) was the first organised community to respond to AIDS pandemic in Kenya. Its major goals are to reduce disabilities and stigmatisation associated with AIDS, and to provide means of income for PHIV/PWAs, and mobilise them in creating awareness. METHODS: The PHIV/PWAs organised themselves after realising that society was not sympathetic to their plight. The effectiveness of their work was realised by the increment in number of PHIV/PWAs who wanted to go public and for tests. RESULTS: A number of people have come publicly and many more who continue to go for tests and medical attention and to identify with other PHIV/PWAs for group therapy sessions. The counselling programme has 356 clients, 128 males and 228 females. The group therapies have 105 clients, 17 males and 88 females, 15 youths and 2 children. CONCLUSION: The organisation would like to establish a treatment program for PHIV/PWAs as part of the services its clients. Medical treatment has become a burden to the general public and more so to PHIV/PWAs. KAS has recognised this urgent need but has no funds to cater for it. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/DIAGNOSIS/*PSYCHOLOGY Adolescence Adult Attitude to Health Child Female Human Kenya Male Voluntary Health Agencies/*ORGANIZATION & ADMIN MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).